The Upcoming Election

Is This the Climate Election?

Is climate change the most important issue in the upcoming general election, or are people more concerned about Brexit?


  • Channel: BBC News
  • Format: Video
  • Duration: 07:00

Are Politicians Playing You?

Find out the kind of deals politicians make with the public during their election campaigns to secure peoples’ votes


  • Channel: BBC News
  • Format: Video
  • Duration: 07:00

The Voting System Explained

See how the voting system actually works in the election process


  • Channel: BBC News
  • Format: Video
  • Duration: 03:00

Personality Politics

How much does the personality of a party leader matter in terms of gaining support from the general public?


  • Channel: Channel 4
  • Format: Video
  • Duration: 11:41

Personality Politics: Debate

The leaders of some of the most popular political parties share their key promises and policies


  • Channel: BBC News
  • Format: Video
  • Duration: 03:00