Following the Martian Invasion | 2: ‘A Remarkable Story from Woking’
Based on The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells
Francis Spufford wheels his bicycle along Maybury Road and through Woking to consider the delight which Wells took in destroying a place he had only just recently arrived at.
TweetWorld of the Unknown
Donald Holms pres an historical review of science-fiction films,against the background of real events, with clips from feature films and news.
Tomorrow's Worlds | The Unearthly History of Science Fiction 2: Invasion
Dominic and leading writers and film-makers look at science fiction's obsession with alien invasion, from all-out assault to sinister hidden threats, and how it has reflected real-life anxieties - whether they be the challenge to Victorian imperial power of HG Wells' War of the Worlds, the Cold War-era paranoia of Invasion of the Body Snatchers or more recent concerns about racism and immigration in District 9.