Opera on 3 | Verdi’s Macbeth


Dark forces are at work. Prophesy unhinges and torments, and the milk of human kindness curdles as a merciless fate gives no quarter to those in thrall to ambition. Macbeth is one of Verdi’s most dramatic and atmospheric scores, testament to his profound understanding of Shakespeare. In this acclaimed production by Phyllida Lloyd the title role is taken by one of Britain's most celebrated singer-actors, baritone Simon Keenlyside. Together with the extraordinary Naples-born coloratura soprano Anna Pirozzi as Lady Macbeth, they make a blood-soaked couple whose invitation to stay at their castle is best avoided. Indeed do 'Things bad begun make strong themselves by ill.' Recorded last month and presented by Martin Handley in conversation with Bristol University's Sarah Hibberd, expert in nineteenth-century Italian musical culture.