How much does the ERA Licence cost?

Group of students in a library or common room, chatting

ERA Licence Tariffs

The current published tariffs agreed with our stakeholders are:

  • Primary 52p per student
  • Secondary £1.08 per student
  • Further Education £1.55 per full-time equivalent
  • Higher Education £2.54 per full-time equivalent

Licence fees are subject to VAT and all our fees are based on the current published tariffs.

In some cases, group licences have been negotiated and abatements have been applied to reflect the savings to ERA on administration costs.

How to calculate the cost of your establishment’s ERA Licence

Licence fees are based on the number of full-time students or full-time equivalent students multiplied by the applicable tariff. Methods of calculating a full-time equivalent student vary from sector to sector and discounted licence fees may apply to certain group licence arrangements. Please contact ERA directly for an accurate quote.

Over 93% of ERA Licence income is paid to our Members. This ensures that rightsholders are being paid fairly for the work they have created.