Episode 1 | Planet Oil: The Treasure That Conquered The World
From the moment we first drilled for oil, we opened a Pandora's box that changed the world forever. It transformed the way we lived our lives, spawned foreign wars and turned a simple natural resource into the most powerful political weapon the world has ever known. But when exactly did geology turn into such a high-stakes game?
Tweet2020 | Britain's Wildest Weather
Footage of the most extreme weather conditions in the UK over the past year, from the worst floods in a decade and a freak landslide in Fife, to an account of being in a house when it is struck by lightning. The programme also explains the scientific reasons behind the wildfire that destroyed one of the UK's most precious nature reserves, as well as a look back at record-breaking days of both heat and rain.
After Life: The Strange Science of Decay
Dr George McGavin examines the fascinating science of decay when a unique experiment involving a rotting kitchen and garden is captured over two months by time-lapse photography.